Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Gene diversity

Raw material diversity lies in his genes. Genes are the factors that determine the nature of the carrier properties of living things. Genes present in the chromosome string, is the threads carrier properties contained in the living cell nucleus. In humans, the nature of straight hair, long nose, wide eyes, skin color, (and try to mention the other) is determined by genes. Of course each species has a gene that is different.
Genes are materials that control the nature or character. If the gene changes, the properties will change. The properties are determined by genes called genotype, which is also called nature. While including the same species, no one individual is exactly the same as the others, because of the diversity of genes.In the mango, there are similarities glance out the form. However, if observed, will have variations that the nature of the diversity is obvious. Thus, different properties may indicate the diversity of genes. Consider the physical nature of diversity in the family, eg the face, eyebrows, nose, ears, and others. Although derived from one, family, you and your family have several different physical properties. The difference is due to the nature of the diversity of genes.

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